Thursday, April 21, 2005

Coasting and Brewing

I am at 177.5 this morning. I am looking for 177 even, which I hit on Tuesday, but I am thrilled that my pants fit more loosely and that I am showing signs of increasing strength. I went through nearly the entire abs workout without stopping. I also upped the dumbell weights for the arms workout.

In nutrition, I have experimented with substituting fruits, veggies and nuts for snacks instead of breakfast bars. This is fine with me, and probably a cost saver. I plan on sticking with it.

I wonder if I can improve things on both the wellness and savings fronts by reducing my daily coffee production. I now make 24 ounces of coffee every morning -- that's five (5) tablespoons. I think I can go down to 16 ounces, since I usually have coffee leftover during the day.

This would be the second time I have made a coffee change. I used to have six (6) tablespoons of coffee, always Dunkin' Donuts hazelnut. Besides reducing the number of tablespoons and amount of water, I started to make one scoop a hazelnut coffee from an el cheapo brand. Very cost clever, no?

I figure with the extra money saved from my new coffee and snack plans, I could work towards a decent weight bench and more equipment. Eventually, I will outgrow the tape-worlout routines. I'll need equipment to help me keep going. A gym still isn't really in the cards.

Spiritually, I have kind of let things slide. Passover is coming soon, though. I want to have a nice seder at home and start over again, as it were.

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