Monday, April 04, 2005

Getting Strong Now

Still at 181 pounds. Alright, I confess: 181.5. Still, I am OK here ... for now.

Actually, I am going for 180 flat this week. I'll need to step up my exercise and watch my diet. Part of my problem last week, I think, was that I actually ate too little. Not enough calories can impede weight loss, so I have gathered. I continue to do a little working out in the mornings and sometimes even at night. Mornings are easy to do, since I just wake up and get to it. Evenings are a little more frantic because I have to get ready for the next day, help put the baby to bed, finish up household chores, and so on. Nevertheless, I have managed to jump rope, punch and kick the standing bag, and use my dumbells.

This morning, I did my arm workout with weights. I needed to stop and rest at some points, but overall, my arms and shoulders remain (almost) strong. My abdomen and back, however, are in really sad condition. I was really surprised at how weak both were. It's no wonder I have had backaches and sudden, incapacitating back pain at various times over the past three years or more. I feel like a complete jerk for getting this way. At least when I was fat before I still had some athletic juice going in me.

Bygones, though. I am excited that maybe by the time I go to Arizona in June, I'll be under 170, pretty fit, and nutritionally sound -- not to mention a father to be for the second time! That's my weight goal, 170 or under by the time I travel to Phoenix. I think it's definitely do-able, but exercise and diet will really be the keys. I know that it's hardly bold to list exercise and diet, but I mean that I realy need to focus on good cardio stuff -- activities that burn calories. In terms of my eating, I need to know what my calorie zone is and to make sure that I stay within it, every day.

Of course, I must concentrate on what I am doing today and not think too much about the future. Yes, I have that short-term goal, and I have goals for the time after that, but my job is to take everything one step at a time, stay relaxed, and let whatever happens happen. My belief is that this "in the moment" approach will help me to succeed where I have not before. Heck, this is the best start I have ever had.

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